Meet Our Consultants

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ghulam Rasul

Phaco, SICS, Cornea, Anterior Segment, Glaucoma Surgeon

Dr. Md. Safiul Islam Prodhan

Glaucoma, Cataract, Low Vision

Prof. Dr. Md. Shafi Khan

Consultant Cornea & Ant. Segment Surgeon

Prof. Dr. Bebakananda Biswas

Consultant Ophthalmologist & Phaco Surgeon

Prof. Dr. Zakia Wadud

Consultant Glaucoma Specialist & Phaco Surgeon

Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad

Phaco Surgery, Glaucoma

Dr. M. Z. Raihani

Consultant Ophthalmologist & Phaco Surgeon

Dr. Mohammad Alauddin

Consultant Comprehensive Ophthalmology & Neuro Ophthalmologist

Prof. Dr. Md. Zafrul Hassan

Consultant Glaucoma, Cornea & Cataract Surgeon

Dr. Md. Mominul Islam

Vitreo Retina Surgeon and Uveitis Specialist

Dr. Md. Nowroz Bahar (Pintu)

Consultant Retina Specialist & Phaco Surgeon

Dr. Md. A. Muntakim Shahid

Consultant Cornea and Anterior Segment

Prof. Dr. Shah M. Rezaul Karim

Consultant Paediatric, Squints, Phaco, Glaucoma & Oculoplastic Surgeon

Dr. Md. Moinul Hoque

Consultant Ophthalmic, Facial Plastic Surgery & Ocular Oncology Specialist

Dr. Sohel Mahmud

Consultant Cataract & Retina Surgeon

Dr. Shifat Toufique

Pediatric Ophthalmologist

Dr. Tanzina Islam

Vitreo-Retina & Phaco Surgeon ROP and General Ophthalmology

Dr. Nusrat Benta Nizam

Consultant ophthalmologist, Phaco and Retina surgeon

Dr. Md. Raquib Rahman

Consultant Contact Lens, Cornea Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dr. Salma Manjur

Consultant Glaucoma & Cataract Surgeon

Dr. Mamunur Rashid Chowdhury

Consultant Child’s Eye Care, Cross Eye (Squint) and Phaco Surgery

Dr. Omar Jafarullah

Consultant Ophthalmologist